Who Makes Layezee Mattresses
Layezee Mattresses are a sub-arm of Silentnight, one of the UK’s biggest suppliers of high quality mattresses and bed frames. Layezee beds take everything we love about silentnight, the latest technology and traditional design and they put everything that is great against the Layezee Mattress Brand.
Are Layezee Mattresses any good?
The good news about layezee mattresses is that while they are part of the silentnight brand, they're also extremely competitively priced meaning that you get all the quality of a silentnight mattress but without the higher costs. Initial reviews suggest that there has been no noticeable loss in quality at this reduced price meaning that the end consumer will be left with nothing but an absolute bargain for a mattress.
Reviews are also very strong for this range of mattresses, all of which seem to reflect very positively against the products on show. The Layezee mattresses are typically of medium firmness, making them ideally suited to those that do not suffer from back pain and are of an average BMI and weight class. Should you have a lower BMI than average, you may want to look at a softer mattress than the medium firmness on offer with a Layezee mattress, as such you may want to look elsewhere. If however, you are of average build, buy away, nothing else can touch these products for the price.