Folding beds are great for those who need extra sleeping space in a hurry. Ideal for guests, these folding beds can be tucked away without issue for as long as necessary before being brought out and utilized, offering a comfortable and supportive nights sleep that goes beyond trying to sleep on the sofa and gives a better all-round experience.
Manufacturers of folding beds
The market is almost entirely dominated by Jay-Be who knows a thing or two about pop-up beds having been in the industry for well over a decade. There are some rebranded beds available through some of the more niche retailers but in a “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” sort of way, we’d heartily recommend the Jay Be frames as they are cheap, cheerful and sturdy.
How do folding beds get you more space?
A folding bed typically splits down the middle and can be packaged up and stored in a cupboard. The benefit of this is it means you don’t need a dedicated bedroom to store the bed, instead only bringing it out for special occasions. This means you can transform a bedroom into an office while still being able to accomodate guests. As more and more people work from home, combined with smaller houses generally, there has never been higher demand for folding beds.
Folding bed sizes
Folding beds typically come in a single frame size, with rare doubles appearing for sale. The idea of a guest coming over is normally in the singular and the manufacturers have designed their frames around that. Have a couple staying over? That’s fine, just buy two of them, the benefit is that you can store each one in a separate cupboard or tuck-away, a far easier option than doing so with one singular-double option.